Who can benefit from a Chemical Peel?
Women and men with acne, superficial wrinkles of the face, neck, upper chest, and arms are excellent candidates for a chemical peel. Those concerned about uneven skin pigmentation, enlarged facial pores, sun damage, superficial acne scars and age spots may also benefit from a chemical peel. Young adults can also benefit from chemical peels when suffering from acne.
How do I decide which type of peel I should have?
Your Aesthetician/Doctor can help you decide what depth of the peel, what type of chemical solution is most appropriate, which areas you want to be peeled and will discuss desired results. A small test spot may be peeled to get a better idea of the results, especially for people with darker skin.
What is the healing process?
Your doctor or skincare specialist will send you home with specific after-care instructions for your newly rejuvenated facial skin. After light peels, the treated skin turns red or pink and heals without crusting. Healing typically occurs in 5 days or less. For medium depth peels, there may be some flaking during the healing process, which is typically completed within 1 to 2 weeks.
There may also be some redness, which can be covered with makeup and may persist for up to 3 or 4 weeks, depending on the individual's skin condition. For deep peels, your doctor will give you strict instructions. Avoid sun exposure with all types of peels and let your skin heal naturally – treat it gently and use only recommended cleansers and healing agents such as Peptides.
When will I be able to see the results?
You will start noticing pink, fresh skin emerging from under the peeling, damaged skin within the first few days. Patients should not help the peel along by pulling or rubbing the old skin off. Doing so can result in scarring or hyperpigmentation.
Within a few weeks, any pinkness will fade for most light peels. Depending upon the depth of the peel, you may have lingering pinkness that may look like a mild sunburn or flushed appearance. Your doctor or skincare specialist will recommend the type of peel most suitable to your skin type, skin condition, and your desired results.
How often should I have a chemical peel done?
Depending on what kind of change you are trying to achieve will determine what kind of peel and how often you should get one done. Your doctor or skincare specialist will be able to determine how many and how often is best for you. Some determining factors are, skin type, how much downtime or peeling are you willing to have, how often you are in the sun, and/or how extreme the acne is.